All around the world
The Competition

It isstimulating and constructive whenitisbased on identicalcriteriasuch as ethics, respect for working conditions, or the use of packingmaterialsthat are of quality and they are alsoenvironmentallyfriendly.

Unfortunately the currentdifficulteconomic situation toooftengeneratesunhealthycompetition. Sometimeswithunfairworking conditions for someworking in the shadows of institutions under state control, and not paying all or part of social taxes by usingmanyunderpaid and undeclared staff.

At the time of the quote, thesecompanies are unbeatable, but toooften, the cheaper option becomes the more expensive one.

Yourpropertyis the fruit of yourwork, so do not trust them to justanyone. At the time of the estimation visit and the quote, question and demandclearexplanations on the your move process and the personnel that are used.

Our honesty and ethics are the guarantors of ourreputation. By choosing ORDEM you have the guarantee of entrustingyourremoval to a business which respects the law, itsstaff ,andyourproperty.